SAP training from the author of the book SQLScript for SAP HANA

Jörg Brandeis & Sören Schlegel

Welcome to Brandeis Consulting. We are an independent company focused on training and consulting around SAP BW/4HANA and the SAP HANA database. Our claim is to offer the best SAP training on the market. We achieve this primarily through our excellent trainers, who are all also experienced SAP consultants. Our goal is a long-term cooperation. That is why we offer our participants the opportunity to register for our regular consultation hours free of charge after the training, in case any questions arise. We want the participants of our trainings to be so enthusiastic that they recommend us to others. SAP technology training from the professionals!

Da sind wir stolz drauf

Was unsere Kunden sagen

Es hat in der gesamten Gruppe Spaß gemacht, da es mal - im Gegensatz zu typischen SAP Schulungen - voran ging und auf die (BW) Themen spezifiziert war. Die wesentlichen Punkte benannt, Humor und - Respekt - ein sehr starkes Background Wissen; hast dich nicht aus der Ruhe bringen lassen. Einwandfrei :)

Inhouse-Schulung in Walldorf

Teilnehmer von einem Beratungshaus

"Praxisnahes & kurzweiliges Training, kein theoretisches "Bla, Bla""



Eine runde Einführung in SQLScript für BW Entwickler! Die Übungen sind praxisnah - ebenso wie die Tricks und Tipps - die sich direkt in die Entwicklungsarbeit einbinden lassen. Danke!

SAP BW Beraterin

Beratungshaus aus Norddeutschland

Die Bilder sind fake, aber die Zitate zu 100% echt.

Have we piqued your interest?

Then we should get to know each other!!

For all our more than 500 previous participants, we offer regular ABAP and HANA programming consultation hours free of charge. If you'd like to take a peek, feel free to sign up without obligation. Simply select a date below and register on the appropriate form. We will then send Zoom access data to the registered participants.

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    Contact Us

    If you have specific questions or would like to contact us, please fill out the form below. We will reply by email or arrange a personal appointment to get to know you by phone or video conference.